Thursday, August 12, 2004

Ladies and Gentlemen......

I have a couple things I want to drop before this hellish day is over.
First, I'M FAMOUS, MUTHAFUCKA!!!!! (lower left)

Back here in reality, I have no idea how this happened. They never tell me shit at Lucky's. It turns out that I find out what events are going on by reading the Pitch. That's how I discovered this gem. For a real treat click on the link labeled Lucky's Brewgrille and it actually lists me as an event. Me. An event. Now that is a trip. I didn't realize that my DJing could actually be considered an event. I didn't realize that anyone was even paying attention. Anyway, here's the deal. There are some of you out there that talk shit on Lucky's and well..... sometimes you have a point. But, this could be something. I'm saying we should exploit the shit out of this. We have the deck party this weekend which is great, but I'm thinking that our next The North End™ gathering should be at Lucky's on Friday August, 27th. But this time, The Nation should go public. I'll wrap my brain around this and see what it shits out, but this could fun. I'll make it official by saying The North End™ Nation should come out and represent on Friday, August 27th at Lucky Brewgrille. You never know, you might get a drink out of me.

Snap back to the present and we have some business take care of now. One day left until the event of summer creeps into your liver and in some cases, ass. Deck® drops this Saturday. Two kegs and whatever else you track in. The North End™'s single parent company, Famous Industries, is considering documenting the impending shinannys of the Deck® party and releasing them on DVD. Early buzz says that the DVD will feature highlights of the party in 5.1 Dolby Digital Surround Sound. Subtitles in Spanish, Dutch, and Choad. And a metric shit ton of bonus features including Poo Dollar, Poo Dollar 2: The Reckoning, Poo Dollar 3: Citizens on Patrol, and a touching coming of age indie classic, "DShanks Passes Out." Now, I'm sure a lot of you think that this is bullshit. I know it sounds a lot like bullshit, but it's absolutely true. There are several factors involved in whether or not this will happen, but one thing that will help speed up the process is you. Contact me by either posting a comment or e-mailing saying you would very much enjoy a copy of the Deck® DVD. You're not commiting to anything, I'm just trying to get a show of hands to determine whether or not this DVD is a limited edition type thing or a Finding Nemo thing or no-thing. Those guys at Famous® can be real pricks.

Until Tomorrow.


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