Monday, August 09, 2004

Things going bump in the night part Deux

Weekend Stats has been postponed due to the fact that only two noteworthy things happened. 1) The Stuntman, playing as the Virginia Cavaliers and I as the Florida Gators, battled again. It came down to the final seconds in which the score was 24-21 Cavs. Jonny Stunts decided to be a DICK and throw to the endzone with no time remaining to try and run the score up on me. It was intercepted in the endzone with NO ONE in front of me except for one guy on the five yard line. Yeah, that guy tackled me. I lost. 2) The only other noteworthy thing that happened this weekend I am not at liberty to discuss. I will say that I am scared to ever listen to Perfect Circle again. Not at night at least.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Perfect Circle WILL be heard aloud at night many more times WITH MY DOOR CLOSED!

9:48 AM  

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