Backhand Boy
For the latest fashion tips I always turn to Paris Hilton to stay on the razor's edge of what's hip. Unfortunately, what's hot for fall is a busted lip and a shiner. You guessed it, her former boyfriend Nick Carter (former Backstreet Boy, remember the young gay looking one? Okay, the youngest one?) has a bit of a anger control problem when it comes to his women. Paris has told her friends that her busted grill was courtesy of Nicky Knuckles. He says that their relationship was based on distrust, I say then fucking punch a wall, rockstar. What is it with these guys? Let's be all tough and kick the shit out of our girlfriends then blame it on something like drugs or alcohol. Because if we blame it on that, everyone will feel all sorry and forget the fact that we basically worthless scurbs that are pissed because our fifteen minutes are up. Man, I sound bitter. Why? Because I am.
Gotta put in werk.
Gotta put in werk.
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