Monday, July 19, 2004


I have this feeling in my gut that the screaming fans of The North End™ probably don't read all of the posts when there is more than one a day. Just a hunch. Look around. You'll notice that there are nice little light grey boxes where there used to be pictures. You might also notice that the invite we sent out last week has also vanished. Well, there is simple explanation for this. Milhowsse is a deadbeat. has passed on to the big recycle bin in sky. Typdetroit was hosting all of the pictures of The North End™ and the invite. I guess becuase I was using that space for free that makes me a deadbeat as well. But, no longer. The parent company of The North End™, Famous®, has finally established an address on the web. Although, there is no website there, YET, you can check out it's beautiful holding page here. Anywho, there point is will now host all of The North End™'s pictures from now on. We will be resending the invite soon.
Just an FYI.


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