Monday, July 19, 2004

Weekend Stats - 7.16.04 to 7.18.04

Total Bar Tab: $30
The Trotta Drunk-o-Meter: 4
Choad Sightings: 1
Score of KSU vs KU game (NCAA 2005): 31-28 KU
My record vs. Julio 0-4
Projected career record vs. Julio: 1-117-1
DVD's of the weekend: Aqua Teen Hunger Force Vol. 1, Belly, City of God
The Deck® Party RSVP's: 3 (boo)

The thing about the Trotta Drunk-o-Meter is that is off set by my drunkeness. Meaning, I couldn't get an accurate reading on Trotta because my own Drunk-o-Meter was in the yellow.


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