K-State goes Hollywood.... Sort of.
Last weekend I was at the local cinema watching the trailers before The Village. Everything was going on as usual until one trailer caught my eye. It opened like any other trailer, the distributor's logo animation hit the screen, then something crazy happened. It was a moving shot in first person perspective driving down Poyntz towards Manhattan Town Center. I thought it was an ad for K-State football until the words "Based on a true story" hit the screen. Then Billy Bob Tornton showed up and fucked the whole thing. Turns out it was a preview for a movie called Friday Night Lights. The movie is about a high school football team from Odessa, TX. Which, as I'm sure you have guessed, has dick to do with K-State. Didn't we get some stud from Odessa? Okay, in the last five years? Okay, ten? Ever? T Dub, can you answer this? Antway, if you haven't seen it, look for yourself, HERE. It's great that Manhattan is hitting the big screen and all, but it kind of steals the thunder from my movie that is currently in the pre-production phase. It's called "Tuesday Night Dollar Pitchers." It's a touching story about a bunch of drunk guys, a bunch of drunk underage girls, twenty bucks, twenty pitchers, horrible IDs, a kick-ass DJ, and Cowboy Don. Barwig and the angry inch shits his pants, hilarity ensues. That's it. All we need is funding and it's on.
This is the cast so far:
Eddie Izzard as Don Barwig
Gerardo as Julio Guerrero
Luiz Guzman as Jimmy Lopez
Borat Sagdiyev as Luke Trotta
Steven Segal as Nick Guerrero
Hollywood's finest are clamouring to get involved, but no studio will fund it. Oh well.
This is the cast so far:

Hollywood's finest are clamouring to get involved, but no studio will fund it. Oh well.
It wasn't so much that he was ugly, we hired him because his forehead was already huge, thus saving money on make-up artists.
Yeah, I was going to say I didn't remember the Pike house being that gay. It was in Mr. Segal's contract that he keep the ponytail, but the 50 pounds are gone. It was also in his contract that we call him Mr. Segal or he gets to break your forearm with his toe.
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