Choose and Lose.
Well, the public came out. They made their voices heard (except for the youth vote, kudos Diddy). And they said… nothing. Going into this election, it was my thought that so many people, including republicans, were so unhappy with Bush that you could put a dead guy up against him (werd up to Ashcroft) and Bush was a goner. Unless, you threw Kerry out there. Why? Why couldn't Kerry get the job done? Why is the nation on the fence about the next president? This my thought. There aren't any presidential canidates that speak with a rebel rousing conviction. Remember Howard Dean? Everyone gave him shit for popping off and losing his mind in the middle of a speech and screaming. I thought that shit was awesome. I had no idea what the hell he was talking about, but whatever it was he meant it. Politicians need to take some lessons from Rob Halford. This monotone speaking and shaking little thumbs at me shit isn't going to work. Am I watching debates or in Art History class? If you want the youth vote or a strong showing at the polls for your team, jump up and get down. Don't just say that you're one of us, show me. Remember when Clinton was on Arsenio playing the sax with Dave Koz? Remember when Clinton said that he smoked, but didn't inhale? He did pretty well against ol George Senior. Of course, when he got into office he received a handy from an intern and ate pizza while on the phone making decisions for our great land. But, even then he proved that he was a multi-tasker. So, let's review. He liked music, he smoked pot when he was young, he liked the ladies, he liked pizza, and still got up every morning and did his job pretty well. Sound familiar? That sounds like almost every guy and some girls that I know. Maybe because I was in college when he was in office, but I had a good time. No war, good economy, and really good TV. Some say that 9/11 was Clinton's fault. Put anyone in office before then. 9/11 was coming regardless. So, the moral of the story is that we need canidates, democrat, republican, independant, romulan, or wookie, that can show us that they can represent. Be real. Get mad and yell. Also, it's a plus if they can do the Roger Rabbit at their nomination acceptance. So, keep your eye on Barack Obama from Illinois. I don't know everything about this guy, but so far he sounds like a stud. He gets pissed and doesn't look afraid to knock a sucka out for not listening. If you're like me and think that politics tends to be a bunch of shit, check this dude out. He's straight outta South Side Chicago. That's all I'm going to say.
I refuse to take political advice from someone who can't even spell "candidate." It's not "canidate," moron! Next time you look up all of your political info, maybe you should have a dictionary nearby to assist you!
You are absolutely right. Candidate is spelled with a d. I can't tell you how sorry I am. I also can tell you that you are a bell endd. I threw in that extra d to make up for all of the ones I missed just for you. This isn't political addvice. It's opinion. Not even well edducated opinion (obviously). But, thanks for your concern. BTW, I ddon't normally react negatively to comments, but you're special for two reasons. One, you calledd me a moron, which normally ddoesn't bother me. Two, you called me a moron as Anonymous, which ddoes bother me. But hey, that's your choice. If you really want to be critical, check my grammar, too. It's just as badd as me spelling.
Ladies, ladies, please. C'mon I'm not worth fighting over. And technically you're both right. The word fat is subjective.
Agreed, Agdaar.
If you talk shit, post a name.
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