Learn to Knock
Earlier, I mentioned that L-Train's momma had stumbled across The North End™ by way of Google when she for some reason decided to Google her son's name. And now, we at TNE almost ruined Cowboy Don's few and far between chances with a woman. Barwig's friend used Google to check out some info on ol' Donnie B. What she found may have shocked her. There was an association with Donnie's name and dog rape. Okay, now I tried to reverse the roles here and imagine if I were her and I found Donnie attractive (ooooh those calves) and wanted to possibly go out with Donnie and I found a bunch of stuff about Donnie saying he was a dog rapist. How would I react? First, I would probably read a little more of the site. Hopefully, by then, I would realize that The North End™ is a blog about a bunch of friends and their retarded adventures. Along the way they make fun of each other. Then, I would realize that Agdeez is way cooler than Barwig and kick the cowboy to tha curb, yo. Seriously, though. These are jokes. If I call someone gay, chances are they are not gay. If I say someone raped a dog, chances are it never happened. If something sounds so outlandish and disturbing, it is probably not true. Unless, I or dShanks makes a point to say that it was. The NATION™ is a nation of good people. We have a good time, but we don't harm others or ourselves, physically or verbally. Not everything your read on the internet is true. Especially here. One thing I said from the beginning was that this site was started because when we hang out, we make fun of each other. Some people have moved away and miss some of the crazy shit that happens. This is their chance to still be in the loop. To still laugh at the fact that we still call Donnie, Cowboy Don. To laugh at Miguel for puking in a failed attempt to drink a gallon of milk in an hour. To make fun of Anderson's hair line. We are not trying to ruin people's lives. It's a joke, people. And just so everyone knows, I'm not coming down on anyone, I just want to make it very clear to anyone who comes across this site that while this blog says some crazy shit, I have no doubt in saying that the people mentioned on this site are some of the most down to earth, funny people. Except for Hart. He's just fucking nuts.
So, the moral of the story is this. Welcome to The North End™. We're not perfect, but we're better than you. And by the way, if you're going barge in on The North End™ with Google, don't be shocked by what you find here. Or at least, learn to knock.
What up, Transbuddha? Where you been at?
So, the moral of the story is this. Welcome to The North End™. We're not perfect, but we're better than you. And by the way, if you're going barge in on The North End™ with Google, don't be shocked by what you find here. Or at least, learn to knock.
What up, Transbuddha? Where you been at?