Thursday, December 02, 2004

Stop Effing Crying

The status of The North End™ was summed up for me last night with one word. Boo. Boo, indeed. Things have been fucking boring around these parts lately. Why you ask? Maybe you didn't ask, but I'll tell you anyway.

Too many rules have been placed upon me. You know, when The North End™ started, it was going to be restriction free. If there was something somewhat funny or interesting to say, it was said. True, I have to use some judgement as to what we want out there as public domain. Hell, just the other day, Trotta's mom stumbled across TNE through Google and called Luke to ask him if he knew that his life was being cronicled by a guy named Agdeez. There are certain members of the Nation™ that are telling ME not to post certain things. Listen, if there is anything to learned from TNE, it's that we crack on each other because we're all friends here, we can take it. We've messed with each other's feelings for as long as we've all known each other. True, every once in a while we'll get some anonymous post that will go for the throat. There's nothing we can do about that. It happens. In the end, we're trying to have some fun here, as well as keep people that aren't in Kansas City in on the jokes and odd situations that we've been able to produce on each other since the glory days in Manhattan. Jokes and odd situations that we still laugh about where ever we've ended up. Detroit, Chicago, Wichita, Kansas City, St. Louis, Colorado, where ever you are right now, you know you still laugh about the bullshit we've seen and done. Why stop? Julio has always talked about making a movie or sit-com based on these things. Well, it's probably never going to happen that way. The North End™ is probably as close as we're going to come to letting the general public in on the funny shit that happens to us.

So, what do we do. I have finally realized that I can't keep this up on my own. I'm am only one person and I get busy at work sometimes and can't post as often as I would like. Here's the remedy. I am extending an invitation to someone to help me keep The North End™ fresh. I may extend more, I'm not sure sure, yet. For now, it's one person. I'm not telling who it is, yet. I'll let it be a surprise when their first post comes out, assuming that they accept. In fact, I'm going to do it right now.

See you in a few.


Blogger .agdaar said...

Sorry, but I don't think Rigby could stop a burglar. Most dogs bark. Rigby "blah-darks." I can see the police report now:
"Neighbors did not notice any strange activity other than hearing a noise described as sounding like a gremlin choking on a lego which they passed off as the neighborhood crack head choking on a rock. The man saddle was never found."

10:42 AM  

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