Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Return of the Weekend Stats

Sometimes the weekend isn't officially over until Monday Night Football is over.

Trotta Drunk-o-Meter: 9
Number of times in the crotch by Trotta: 2
Times Trotta was thrown in the Dumpster: .5
Shum Appearances: 2
Total Airtime of the NATION™ on Monday Night Football: 1 min
Estimated height of Brian Potts by viewers of said airtime: 6'10"
Prizes won by Primetime Choad this year: 0
Jonny Stunts new name: Jonny Morals (I'll explain later)
Lead held by my Fantasy Football team going into Monday Night: 19
Margin of loss on Tuesday morning: 10
Reason: Stupid Trent Green


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